Marchands et ouverture de nouveaux commerces après une faillite dans le district judiciaire de Trois-Rivières (1869-1899)

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Jocelyn Morneau


After a continued growth in size throughout the 19th century, the merchant community inside the judicial district of Trois-Rivières had difficulty coping with the economic crisis of 1873 and with the years of sluggish economy that followed until the 1890s. Hundreds of merchants folded, often after having faced bankruptcy. However, bankruptcy did not prevent dozens of them from getting back on their feet and starting a new business. In doing so, they could count first and foremost on the support of their wives or other family members (their father, a son, a daughter, a brother, a sister, a brother-in-law, etc.). Launching a new business after a bankruptcy was largely a family affair.

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How to Cite
Morneau, Jocelyn. 2024. “Marchands et ouverture de nouveaux commerces après une faillite dans le district judiciaire de Trois-Rivières (1869-1899)”. Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 77 (1-2), 35-68.