S' unir dans l’émotion Le Congrès international de 1929, moment charnière d’affirmation des gardes-malades canadiennes-françaises

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Alexandre Klein
Hubert Larose-Dutil


Abstract: From July 7 to 13, 1929, more than 6,000 nurses from all over the world gathered in Montreal to attend the Sixth Congress of the International Council of Nurses. This major event, still rarely studied, was nevertheless central in the construction of the professional identity of French-Canadian nurses. The latter, who had initially seen themselves excluded from the organization of the event, even if they should ultimately be the main hosts, mobilized in an unprecedented way to affirm their indignation and thereby the linguistic unity and the political weight of their professional corporation. It was on this occasion, and through a shared emotional experience, that the community of French-Canadian nurses really came to light.

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How to Cite
Klein, Alexandre, and Hubert Larose-Dutil. 2023. “S’ unir dans l’émotion: Le Congrès international de 1929, moment charnière d’affirmation des gardes-malades canadiennes-françaises”. Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 76 (3-4). https://rhaf.ojs.umontreal.ca/index.php/rhaf/article/view/75.