La reproduction nobiliaire dans la lignée de René Gédéon Potier de Pommeroy du XVIIe au XIXe siècle Étude généalogique

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Robert Larin


This research note challenges the idea that Canadian nobles were poorly received in France after the Conquest in 1760 and struggled to integrate into the late-18th-century French social fabric. Canadian nobleman René Gédéon Potier de Pommeroy (1730-1822) continued his military career and made an advantageous remarriage that ensured the subsequent fortune of his descendants over at least three generations. The article addresses the slow integration into the French noblesse of colonial families of low notoriety and doubtful nobility ; the insertion of Ancien Régime nobles into the new elites of 19th-century France ; and the strategy of homopatronymy to obtain the patronage of a high-ranking nobleman

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How to Cite
Larin, Robert. 2022. “La reproduction nobiliaire dans la lignée de René Gédéon Potier de Pommeroy du XVIIe au XIXe siècle: Étude généalogique”. Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 75 (3), 69-89.
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